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The Smokehouse Chips ZPD Cieczko - the sheer nature!

We produce beech, oak and alder silvers for smoke-curing in chambers with opened and closed circulation of such firms as:


The wood used for the production of The Smokehouse Chips ZPD Cieczko is gained from ecologically clean areas of The Mazurian District, selected with accuracy and subjected to the technological process employed by us. The crumbled silvers are fractionated according to the granulation (Z02..-..Z12), deprived of powders, subjected to a thermal processing and drained thoroughly. All this assures the high quality of the finished product, achieving of the demanded parameters in compliance with the requirements of specified types of smoke-generators and this guarantees that the product is absolutely free of any pollution, foreign substances or chemicals. We deliver in such a way prepared chips quickly and on time in appropriate packages - jute, paper or plastic bags - according to the needs.

The certificate of quality of our products is the POSITIVE OPINION of Meat and Fat Research Institute in Warsaw: L. dz.: DM2 - 27/PM/03.(POZYTYWNA OPINIA Instytutu Przemysłu Mięsnego i Tłuszczowego)

    Why is it not worth using waste wood for smoke-curing?

  • O waste wood are substances of exceptionally poor quality.
  • their properties are under constant changes and fluctuations, they can contain dust fractions as a result of which the maintenance of control over the production process becomes very difficult
  • waste wood can be polluted, include toxic or harmful means
  • the humidity which they include causes the decay of wood and the formation of a troublesome smell which carried together with the smoke affects negatively the quality of smoked bacons
  • the high contents of water in waste wood results in producing water steam, and as a consequence, the smokehouse reek is washed away
  • an intensified producing of tar, removing of which becomes more arduous, takes place then

-> The balance of benefits is clear. It is worth - for the reasons mentioned above - using The Smokehouse Chips ZPD Cieczko of secure origin, optimal by low humidity, properly high contents of natural aromatic compounds, which will be the guarantee of the repeatable smoke-curing process and of achieving the best smoked product. We wish You the best results of smoke-curing with the use of The Smokehouse Chips ZPD Cieczko!

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If You are interested in any details of our offer - do not hesitate to contact us - we are ready to introduce You to the specimens of our products.

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